Hilarious Dog Tales of Failed Potty Training Attempts

Apollo the Dalmatian

Have you ever stared at a puddle of questionable origin on your rug and thought, “Man, how will I clean this dog sh** away from my rug?”Those words can strike fear into the heart of even the most seasoned dog lover. We’ve all been there rushing out the door at dawn, bleary-eyed and clutching a steaming cup of coffee, only to discover a “surprise” waiting for you on the living room rug.

In this blog, we share the most side-splitting, head-scratching tales of potty training gone wrong. These dog tales are from our friends in the community who had hilarious experiences with their dogs.

1- Kate and Buster

Kate and Buster
Kate and Buster


Buster, my little sausage dog, was a potty-training disaster. We’d usually be outside with a coffee in one hand and a hopeful smile.

So there I was, watching my dog scoot around. Weirded out, I decided a change of scenery might be nice. We head outside, and she sniffs every dandelion until I see this… My girl doing sh*** in the park. 

I knew leaving it there wasn’t the solution. I took the shit in my hat with some napkin I had in my pocket (I don’t know where that came from). I moved an inch closer, picked the poo like a professional baseball pitcher, and with absolutely no logical reason whatsoever, I flung the foul feces into the nearest trash can, praying it wouldn’t come back to haunt me in my dreams. 

As I stood there, panting from the exertion and questioning every life choice that had led me to this moment, I couldn’t help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. 

I took the culprit away in my hands and returned home to forget this hilarious but awful experience.

2- Milan and His Doug

Milan and His Doug
Milan and His Doug

Oh boy, let me tell you about when I adopted Doug, the cutest little dachshund with a talent for leaving stains around the house. 

Training this little guy felt like trying to teach a squirrel manners. It was next to impossible! 

Doug had the bladder of a teacup. Like clockwork, I’d grab a handful of his favorite treats every hour and leash him up. We’d head outside, me chanting, “Go potty, Doug, go potty!” like a cheerleader at a puppy convention.

When Doug finally did his business, it wasn’t just a “good boy” situation. This was a full-blown celebration! We would talk with it in exciting voices, and we did belly rubs enough to make my little sausage wag his little tail.

We continued this pee routine for a week, then slowly stretched out the potty breaks. 

Fast forward a few weeks, and Doug’s a changed pup! He lets me know when he needs to go outside, pees and poops on command. 

3- May and Olivia

May and Olivia
May and Olivia


Midnight strikes and Olivia’s puppy eyes tell me it’s potty time. Now, it’s dark as night, and this pup is blacker than a moonless sky. 

To avoid a game of “find the puppy in the backyard,” I decided to leash her up. But whoops, I still need to get a proper collar! No problem; my other dog’s giant collar should do the trick.

I slipped the collar on the tiny puppy, which looked like a hula hoop on a bowling pin. Needless to say, this fashion statement did not impress the little one. The second we step outside, she freaks out, yanks back on the leash (which, again, hilariously oversized), and torpedoes herself back through the doggy door. 

It wasn’t pee. My older dog woke up to a very unwelcome present on his favorite bed, courtesy of his dramatically dressed little sister. That night, there was a lot of sniffing, confused barking, and a sheepish laugh (from me, not the dogs).

4. Nathan and Liam

Nathan and Liam
Nathan and Liam

My dog, Liam, was a stubborn little doggy regarding potty training. He declared his sandbox his “treasure chest” and refused to part with it. 

One sunny afternoon, we were at the park. Liam started digging in the sandbox again. I figured it was just another “treasure-burying” session. But then, everything changed! A scream ripped through the air, followed by someone waving their arms frantically. It turns out that Liam wasn’t digging for his toys this time!

Out of the sandbox, he came, not with a buried bone, but with a whole set of keys in his mouth! These were the park ranger’s keys; they’d been missing for hours! The ranger rushed over, frustration and amusement on their faces.

I tried hard not to laugh while Liam wagged his tail proudly like he’d unearthed the greatest treasure ever. From that day on, Liam’s sandbox adventures became something different. It wasn’t just his digging ground anymore. I’m glad that at least my dog knows that everything hidden in the sand doesn’t belong to him!

5. Ethan and Charlie

Ethan and Charlie
Ethan and Charlie

This story is funny, but he has to do more with my friend’s son Ethan than our dog Charlie.

So, my friend’s son, Ethan, was obsessed with their golden retriever, Charlie. He’d follow Charlie everywhere, even to the doghouse!

One day, Ethan emerged from the backyard with a sheepish grin and a suspicious wet patch on his pants. “Uh oh, Mommy,” he mumbled, “Charlie did a pee-pee on me!”

Charlie was a well-trained dog, so my friend knew something was fishy. After some investigation, they discovered Ethan had been trying to “potty train” by sitting on the tiny potty Charlie used! 

We all laughed, and it was a memorable memory we recall even today. Just to let you know, Ethan is now 14 years old, and wherever we recall this moment, he also laughs with us.

I hope these crazy stories of potty training fails brought a smile to your face 🙂

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